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tv   AC 360 Later  CNN  November 20, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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file federal rights charges against george zimmerman in the connection of the shooting death with trayvon martin but officials said a decision could come soon. anderson? >> thanks. that does it for us. see you an hour from now, 10:00 p.m. eastern. welcome to "ac 360 later." later tonight, john f. kennedy's legacy still being felt 50 years after his death in dallas. also president george w. bush's legacy and -- how a president's post white house persona can change from their time in office. we'll hear from the congressman who just pleaded guilty to cocaine possession. we anticipate a press conference happening within this hour. we'll bring that to you if it happens. later one reason why selfy is the word of the moment and the year, dr. ruth westheimer joins us.
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we begin with jfk and president obama's tribute to him tonight. >> it's a truth that resonated with president kennedy when he said, "i am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we will be remembered not for our victories or defeats in battle or in politics but for our contribution to the human spirit." and that unbending belief that the power to make great a nation is found in its people and in their freedom, that was his philosophy. that was his legacy. >> president obama talking tonight honoring president kennedy at an event for america's latest recipients of the president's medal for freedom, an award jfk established 50 years ago. earlier the obamas and clip tons laid a wreath at president kennedy's grave. their first joint appearance
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since a campaign tell all put a strain on their relationship. president kennedy made a deep impression on young bill clinton on the left there. he credit the moment for sparking his interest in public service. we heard today from a conservative congressman who says the same thing, open people of all political stripes claim some of the jfk legacy as their own. let's talk about that with andrew sullivan of the dish. senior political analyst david gergen, cnn legal analyst and political commentator carl bernstein. child of the cold war and the new frontier and has written the definitive biography of hillary clinton "the woman in charge". andrew, what do you make of the legacy on this 50th anniversary? >> well, what i've always been struck by by jfk is how global it was. how people across the planet thought about him, saw him as an emblem of america, of a young, striving, idealistic america. and to me, the enormous contrast between that amazing image i had
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of him as a boy. i was told by my parents that my father only cried when his mom died and when jfk was assassinated. i guess because an irish catholic western called sullivan in england really identified with that guy. then when i grew up and learn what he did and read the increasingly candid and blistering accounts of his presidency, the discrepancy between that extraordinary image of idealism and the reality of the out of control, what dangerous and imtemperate president is something i'm still grappling with and trying to put together in my own mind. >> carl, you were actually working that day when kennedy was killed. >> i was. i was kind of an apresent disreporter. what was called a dictation clerk at the washington. saw the afternoon paper and i rushed out when i heard he was shot. as i got to the office, somebody, a reporter came running out and said "he's dead." i said, what do you mean? walter cronkite hasn't said he's dead yet on the air.
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it didn't occur to me that he could die even after he'd been shot. it turned out that one of our reporters had heard from the cia before it was released that he was dead. i went upstairs and to the news room and i was a very fast typist. i was told to put on a headset and take david broder's political dictation from dallas. he dictated. two priests walked out of dallas memorial parkland hospital 1:54 p.m. today and announced comma quote the president is dead. my hands were shake. then i was sent up to capitol hill to find speaker mccormick who was the next in line after lyndon johnson to be the president of the united states. the speaker of the house. and i got up there, and he was not to be found. i was told that he had been removed to a secure place. but the last he had been seen was he had been told to go under his desk. because it wasn't -- and hide under his desk. it wasn't known whether it was a conspiracy or not. then i spent the rest of the weekend reporting.
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i went to the white house out front and to the capitol rotunda where kennedy lay in state. >> it is interesting 50 years later, conservatives, liberals, people of all different political stripes who do claim part of his legacy. >> the thing about kennedy is, i think we can tell now he was not a great president. he was a great figure. a truly great figure. an inspirational figure around the world in a way perhaps we haven't seen -- not just because of his death. partly i also covered interviewing people at his inaugural. i was 16. i had just gone to work. >> 16 years old and you're working? that's crazy >> it was. it was great. i'm a lucky guy. but when he said, "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" he meant it! and that was the call of his presidency. it was real. and young people responded. remember, we had just come out of the eisenhower years.
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an staid, stolid, in retrospect really good president. and with a great ethical sense, ike, for what the country needed. and yet this was a radical break. was he a radical? anything but. he was conservative, kennedy, in many of his instincts. he was conventional as a politician. but he was not conventional in his inspirational way. and it was impossible -- and europeans. look what happened when he went to berlin. people around the world responded to this young, dashing -- and it didn't take teddy white, the chronicler of camelot. >> do you agree he wasn't a great president? i. >> i agree he wasn't a great president. i agree he whattan inspirational president. his legacy lives on far more than other presidents do. i was quite struck three years ago there was a survey asking
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american people if we could put one more president on mt. rushmore who should it be. you would think looking historically who the most important figure would be would be franklin roosevelt by some distance. there are a lot of people who would like to put ronald reagan up there. but number one was john f. kennedy. this was 50 years late. >> the thing i'm struck by about kennedy is the two great unanswered questions, which are if he had lived, would he have done what lyndon johnson did on civil rights? would he have had the courage and the strength and the passion to do civil rights act and the voting rights act, and what would he have done about vietnam? would he have had johnson's disaster in vietnam? you can get a lot of answers either way. but of course we'll never know. and that's why it always seems to me such an incomplete presidency, not just because it was so short but just because the major issues of the day were not decided. >> you know what bobby kennedy did say, though, about vietnam, that he had no intentioning of getting out. he said it pretty unequivocally
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after his brother's death. >> i wanted to really pick up on what carl was -- there were a couple of words that you said that really kind of speak to what he meant to i think me and my generation, this idea of being modern with a real acute sense of history. and he will forever be young in our global collective imagination. so this idea of the optimism of youth, the optics of who he was and the optics of who he was with jackie kennedy and how the were so young but so aware of what iconography can be and that the were presidents in the time of television. and watching her -- >> first tour of the white house on television. >> yes. >> what's really striking is all of us have in our mind the image of kennedy, the youthful, vibrant, dynamic man. >> full of life. >> and he was only six years younger than ronald reagan.
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and we all think of -- huge gap in age. >> it's the modern energy of him. >> i hadn't even thought of that. >> he was a lot younger than reagan when he came into office. but how we think the -- it's as if they're a generation apart. >> i was looking at president obama speaking about ronald reagan. he's the first president we've had who has no memory of john f. kennedy. barack obama was a baby when kennedy was assassinated. so that incredible relationship that democrats in particular have to kennedy, it's really no more. it's now he's a figure in the history books. >> you don't believe that, david? >> i don't think so. if you look at larry sabito's new book quite fascinating about the legacy and influence that kennedy has had upon successive presidents since, it turns out that the man who talked about him most cited him most of finance was bill clinton. >> he worshipped him.
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>> even more than lyndon johnson. he has a continuing resonance. i think he really resonates with the new generation. >> absolutely. ways born after he was assassinated. my daughter identifies with him. again it's this hopefulness an this idea of youth. even though we have this young-looking president now, i think kennedy will always be that figure to us. >> we'd never seen a president like that before. he looked so stylish and young and modern. >> and his wife, i think this is another thing that keeps each generation involved in them is also who jackie was. she was so glamorous. and then she was so gangster, too. no, that was a really bold move to keep on that suit with his brains and his blood on this pink chanel suit. >> she said let them see what -- >> let them see what the did to jack.
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>> that suit is in the national archives. the kennedy family has asked the national archives for another 100 years it won't be seen. >> probably the most important piece of fashion in american history. >> i was just going to point out however at the time the bay of pig was the opening act then we had the cuban missile crisis in which this man nearly blew the entire world up. >> no, no, no. >> that does set the stage for that. >> kruschev had something to do with that, too. but he started the peace corps. kennedy represented a different america, a coming of age for people not of his generation but the next generation. it was an extraordinary moment. and he wrote it. >> a quick break, perhaps break from such transcendent politics. we are waiting to go hear congressman talk about his cocaine bust.
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get $100 off any tablet. plus trade in your old tablet for up to $150 or more. that's powerful. verizon. can you move your beverage away from the keyboard? it's making me anxious. sure thing. tweet us using "ac 360 later." we got a reminder last night there's no single proper way of being an ex-president. john quincy adams left the white house and bake a congressman. henry taft became a chief
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justice of the united states. george w. bush is not rewriting anything. his father wrote books. last night jay leno asked george bush about his legacy. >> i'm also very comfortable with the fact that it's going to take awhile for history to judge whether the decisions i made are consequential or not. and therefore, i'm not too worried about it. in other words, i read some beographies of washington. my attitude they're still writing biographies of the first guy, the 43rd guy doesn't need to worry about it. >> mr. bush is an artist and a painter these days. his latest work a portrait of jay leno which he presented last night. he's done dogs and landscapes and himself in the shower. not expected, certainly. every ex-president is different. back with the panel to talk about this. what do you make of george w. bush as an ex-president? >> did he have a failed presidency? and there was nowhere to go afterwards but up. but that there's a reason.
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if you wanted to live next door to somebody who was the president of the united states, this is the guy you'd want to live next door to. i mean, he's a terrific guy to be around. he just happened -- he said not a consequential president? he's a hugely consequential president because the horrible things that happened in his presidency, from the war in iraq where we should never have been and we went to war in the wrong country as a response to 9/11, to what happened in terms of our economy. i mean, we went into a depression by the time -- >> david do you think he was a failed president? >> well, most people as the get older the mellow a little bit. get a little less judgment. you've gotten more black and white, carl. kennedy could do no wrong and bush could do no right. >> kennedy did a lot wrong. and bush was great in africa. absolutely great. fabulous. >> i agree with that. he's now spending a lot of time on that. >> he ace real humanitarian.
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>> i don't think there's any question when historians look back george w. bush will be on the lower rungs of president. but i think he deserves some credit with a hyperpolarization he's kept his mouth shut about his successor. i think he's dealt with that with a grace that's very characteristic of the bush family. i think he made some serious errors, grievous misjudgements that for which his presidency is always going to be scorned in many ways by historians. but i do think his post-presidency has been -- i actually appreciate the way he's doing it. he's quietly doing some things. carl talks about his work in africa as president with president clinton has said he did far more than he would have done. but he's now going back to africa. and i appreciate that. >> i want to show another clip on the leno show before i get to andrew. i knew andrew wants off his leash.
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>> taking up some hobbies. painting now. showed me some of your paintings. i was impressed. >> i am a painter. >> oh, you are a painter now. >> you may not think i'm a painter. i think i'm a painter. >> show the next painting. here we go. look at that. that's pretty good. >> that's bob. >> bob the cat? >> yes, it is. it's a cat that we found on our ranch living in the barn. take him back to dallas. the guy hit the home run. >> okay. >> move in with the president. that's great. >> sleeping on our tempurpedic. why bob? >> so i could remember how to spell it when i got older. >> he's delightful. that's really true. you got to say. >> okay, andrew. >> no. i was just thinking, i think jimmy carter has probably the best post presidency. the man has been a humanitarian.
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almost as if the ones who almost destroyed the country feel it's necessary to be perfectly decent afterwards. i disagree with you about george bush. i think the world will not long forget what he did to this country. staggering really the damage that he did, too. i personally don't think the war crimes that he committed are forgivable. i think there are mistakes, but then there is the approval of torturing human beings against the geneva conventions that he authorized that that will forever remain a stain on this country. >> war crimes he committed? what about using drones? those war crimes now with president obama? >> nothing meets the level of torturing human beings on such a widespread scale which he authorized. >> drones you think that's not a war crime? >> if they're done with an attempt to prevent civilian casualties to the extreme, i don't like it but i think it's a better way to conduct a war on terror than torturing people. >> what was the harsh treatment of prisoners like under george w. bush if not to prevent terrorism? >> it didn't prevent it.
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>> they let people live. >> the drones are legal and constitutional the way they've been constructed. the torture was absolutely not legal. and it was against the geneva convention. and worse, you see there are things you can make mistakes and there are things that stain america forever. and a president that put torture at the center of the american government is on -- that's something that he has never copped to. that is to my mind unforgiveable. i will agree with you, however, when compared to dick cheney his conduct after office has been sublime. he has had a great dignity. but the crimes he committed and mistakes he made are overwhelming. >> i find it sort of perverse to say that water boarding someone is worse than hitting them with a drone and killing them. >> there was a lot more done than water boarding. >> i understand that. i just find it strange. america. >> the whole idea of america wasn't tainted by that?
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>> i do think it was tainted. i do think it was wrong. but i think if you're going to make that kind of argument you could sort of have some sympathy with the argument that if people striking out of the night with an airplane and hitting civilians that there's something -- that that's not wrong as well. >> banned in the geneva conventions? >> that's what we absolutely have to adhere to. >> peter baker of the "new york times" who is a very serious not ideological reporter has a long book which i happen to have read called "days of fire" complete account of the bush presidency. he doesn't say it, but you read that book and you think, everything he did went wrong. there were no successes. putting aside petrfar in africa. look at the war in iraq, look at the economy. just factually what happened to this country was terrible. >> he was not equipped to be the president of the united states. >> i don't know about that.
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>> that's what we learned. he was ill equipped in terms of having the skills and conceptual view of the world. >> what do you think of bill clinton as an ex-president? >> remarkable in two ways. what he has accomplished on a global scale in terms of his own clinton initiative in so many areas. but also we have not had a former president campaigning to make his wife the next president of the united states. it all fits together in a remarkable -- it's a great story. >> it is. >> it's a great human tale. >> and his relationship with the current president and the current first -- even the optics today of seeing them together was something that you've never seen before. >> but clinton knew we have to do good in the world and really work. >> i think he's been excellent
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as an ex-president. i give him an enormous amount of credit for what he's done with his foundation, the initiatives he's had around the world. i think he stirred a lot of people idealist young people to get involved going to africa and going to some of the other places that are very, very difficult. and i think he's been remarkably disciplined in aid of both hillary and his daughter. i think he's very moved by his daughter's future as well as by his wife's future. >> his story seems so unfinished because of hillary's possible run for the presidency. you just feel like his story will look completely different if she becomes president or if she doesn't. and we don't know. >> there's another aspect. remember, this is someone who was impeached, who had hit the depths. and now is the most popular political figure in our culture. >> it's an interesting thing. i think one of the questions about president obama. both president reagan and president clinton got in real trouble in their second terms. the both came back from it.
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can obama come back the same way? a major democrat told me the other day he's worried about that. because he thinks both clinton and reagan were extremely likable. a lot of people liked them around the country. and he's worried that president obama doesn't have that. >> we've got to take a quick break. carl bernstein great to have you on the program. reporters gathered tonight in cape coral on florida's west coast u.s. congressman trey radle is expected to speak in the wake of his guilty plea on a cocaine charge. we'll bring that to you, talk about it when it happens. we'll be right back. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there.
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heard this love selfy which describes the phenomenon of taking a picture of yourself like that and posting it online. yeah. so what? [ laughter ] >> selfy beat out other -- i didn't know the were going to put that up when talking about this. selfy beat out other contenders including twerk. >> that was mine. >> because oxford says the popularity of the word selfy skyrocketed 17,000% in the last year. selfy can be benign and rather suggest tentative say the least. one mr. anthony weiner comes to mind as one example. back with our panel, andrew sullivan, david gergen, angela davis and dr. ruth westheimer. her life is the subject of a one-woman show called "becoming dr. ruth" stars actress debra joe ruff. it's so great to have you here. >> thank you. i want to tell you something right away. the selfy phenomenon.
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i have nothing against you and me hugging and you and me holding hands. but please, make sure that everybody knows, nothing below your neck. >> no selfies below the neck. >> absolutely. i'm really worried about that. >> you are? why? >> it's not necessary. and i'm old-fashioned and a square. you know i talk about those things. >> you're not a square. >> who would call you that? >> i call myself a square. but please make sure selfy from whatever word you want to use, it's fine to show a picture above the neck. >> okay. >> dr. ruth says so. >> okay. there you go. >> interesting, michaela, you look at the selfies out there. it is the ubiquitousness of it. >> it's interesting. because in culture we've already seen self-portraits. it's an extension of self-portraits.
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we've always been fascinated with ourselves. but now these smartphones give -- you don't have to be cindy sherman of -- to take a picture of yourself. but it kind of escalates this idea of look at me, here i am, look what i'm doing. >> the amount of self-obsession with it is sort of -- >> it is like the crack for the egomaniac. you get to do endless pictures of yourself. star of your own movie. documenting -- >> that's right. >> look. what we see these days is young people with their texting, they're holding hands, the walk down the street and the don't even talk to each other. we are going to have a big problem about people not being able to have a conversation anymore. >> i totally agree with you on this.
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the example if i'm at a bar somebody will have to take a picture with me. if it's late at night i'll take normally fine let's do it. late at night i'll say how about if we have a real conversation because if we do that i'm going to end up doing this a lot. the have no interest in having a human conversation. there's this look of disappointment. they're just like oh, no forget it and the walk off. i want to go to breaking news. congressman trey radle pleaded guilty earlier today to cocaine possession. talking to reporters from ft. myers, florida. >> i'm sorry. i have no excuse for what i've done. and i'm not going to sit here and try to make any excuses for what i've done. i've let down our country, i've let down our constituents, i've let down my family, including my wife. and even though he doesn't know it, i've let down my 2-year-old son.
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i'm here tonight to take responsibility for what i did, to be held accountable for the bad decisions that i made in my life, and to own up to my actions. i have been getting the help they need. and i will continue to get the help that i need and the support system that i need for years to come. i'm doing so because i want to be a better man. i want to be a better man for you, i want to be a better man for southwest florida. and most importantly i want to be a better man for my family. my dad, my mother-in-law, my father-in-law, my wife and my little guy. i will be taking a leave of absence during that time i'm going to donate my salary to a charity. i believe in faith. i believe in forgiveness and
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redemption. and i hope if there's anything positive that can come out of this -- and i know there will be positive that comes out of this -- it's that i hope that i can be a role model for millions of others that are struggling with this disease. i would ask for your prayers. and i don't ask for prayers for me. i ask for your prayers for my family. that's what's most important. it's what i'm focused on. my recovery, my health, and my family. on a very personal note, i feel like i've grown up really in the public eye here in southwest florida. from my time of working as a reporter, building up a business, hosting a radio show, and following the terrible and tragic death of my mother i remember it like yesterday.
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there was a group of people that came up to me. and the were giving their condolences. the said, trey, we are so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother and the terrible situation around it. but you've been with us for so long, we want you to know that we're here for you. you are southwest florida's adopted son. and that is something that has stuck with me after all of these years. and i hope like family, southwest florida can forgive me for this. i've let them down. but i do believe in faith, forgiveness and redemption. and i hope to come out of this a stronger man, a better man for all of you. thank you so much for being here, because it is important that i share a message of responsibility. with that said, i am always open to talking with you and taking
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questions. >> congressman, why did you expect to gain the trust of southwest floridaance again and assure them you are going to work for them 100%? >> that's what i'm doing here tonight. i'm owning up to my actions. i am taking responsibility. and i'm living it very publicly. i'm being held accountable for the decisions that i made in my life. and i have found treatment, and i'm working on treatment. and like anything in life, i have to rebuild that trust. and i fully understand that. and i will do that. i have to rebuild the trust with southwest florida, with the constituents, with this home that i love so much. it means so much to me. and i also need to do it for my family. for my wife. >> [ overlapping speakers ] >> we have to ask. we haven't seen your wife. >> sure. >> why hasn't she been with you in court or with you tonight? i know that this is hard for her. but where is she? why not?
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>> my wife is at home with my son tonight. and i will tell you that there's nothing more than i want right now to go home and hug my wife and my little guy. and i'm going to be doing that soon. >> [ inaudible ]. >> yes. so with respect to my wife, she has been incredible. my wife is my rock. and she has been so supportive through this. and i came to her, and i told her what had happened. and she said, i married you to be with you and stick with you in good times and in bad. and she has been incredible. i do have trust to rebuild, and i have to mend her heart which i've broken. and i've broken a lot of hearts. and i need to regain that trust and rebuild our relationship. but she has stuck with me and will continue to stick with me. and i'm just so proud to have my wife. she is my rock through all of this. [ overlapping speakers ]
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>> with regards to treatment, i will be going in to treatment. i'm going to start with intensive in-patient treatment. that's what's next for me. i have already begun the process. look, sometimes in life you need a wake up call. this is my wake up call. i've been struggling with this, but i have had my wake up call. and i now know what i need. i need to take responsibility, own up to the decisions that i've made and move forward. and i'm doing just that. i'm getting the help i need. and from there i will work on rebuilding the trust that i have with southwest florida. and i hate the word "constituents" what this is about is my friends, my family and my neighbors and each and every one of you. [ overlapping speakers ] >> you were on the floor voting. >> once again with resignation i'm taking a leave of absence. i'm taking a leave of absence. >> who will represent us in the time of your absence? >> sure. i will be taking a leave of absence.
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and all offices, this team they have in washington and here in southwest florida will be working every single day like the have been for this past year for you. they're working hard. they're here to serve the people. and the will continue to do so. i will take a leave of absence, taking the responsibility that i need to own up to what i need to do, get well and come out of this as a better man. i'm struggling with this disease, but i can overcome it. and i know they can be a role model for millions of people struggling with this. [ overlapping speakers ] >> if you wanted to speak to the press why didn't you speak to us sooner? >> sure. i knew that in keeping with everything that i've done, i believe it accountability and i
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believe it transparency. that's what i'm doing here tonight. and i knew that this day would come. i knew it would come. i had to be accountable and responsible and open with my wife and all of my family. i'm here tonight being open and accountable with the people of southwest florida, and quite frankly, the country. with the delay that was just a matter of counsel. >> congressman who has pleaded guilty to cocaine possession saying he's going to take a leave of absence, donate his salary while he's awake and trey radle seek some form the of intensive therapy. andrew sullivan what do you make of it? >> i thought it started well and then became a little maudlin. we do have to forgive people. i agree. i think addictions are a terrible thing. if someone owns up for it and seeks forgiveness for it, my faith tells me we should grant it. we'll have to take a quick break. we'll have more from my panel. we'll be right back.f a future, a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪
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>> you can be convicted of anything and you're not evicted. the have to go through this whole process with the ethics committee.
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toronto, only he can run this city so the voters should put up with all the dram ma and all the stuff that's going on with him. >> absolutely. and i think that -- i think
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political figures, politics is held in such low regard now that there have got to be some people willing to stand up and say, you know what, i think more highly of this profession. if i really let you down i'm willing to step aside. >> to our young people we have to say that to serve in a certain position is a responsibility to lead a life that can be scrutinized. >> i don't think people are perfect. i think people are quite human. i think people ought to be forgiven and all the rest. i just think at certain times you sort of disqualify yourself from taxpayer money. >> would you say, we talked about president clinton. the man has a very checkered past and present in the white house. but you were saying he was a pretty good president. you couldn't get any higher than that. so i think my issue is, let's accept our humanity. let's accept that we're flawed. don't make politics this place where only the inhumanly perfect can possibly operate. >> is there any risk that the inhumanly perfect are going to get involved in politics? i don't see that as being a big risk based on prior experience.
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>> well, no, i think there is a sense that people have to be squeaky clean. and we talk about selfies. >> difference between being squeaky clean and being a cocaine addict. there's a difference. >> i wish he had said that. i wish he had said, i am an addict. i am getting treatment. and not spend too much time on his wife. keep the focus on him. say, i'm getting better. i'm going to get help. and on the other side, i'll see whether i am fit to serve. >> i want to make the most of the opportunity that dr. ruth presents by having her here. i feel like we haven't talked about sex enough with you. >> see i'm holding his hand? and i'm waiting to talk about sex? >> can i tell you something? don't get your hopes up [ laughter ] >> this is about as good as it gets. i'll take your hand but that's
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about it. >> i'm 85 and i still am talking. i was two days ago at yale doing a talk. and i could see the room was filled with students. so i still have it. >> yes. >> i still have that. >> let me ask you. has their attitudes about sex changed a lot? have you heard or seen attitudes about sex change lot in the time that you have been in the public life talking about this? >> when i started the radio program in '82, i don't know if you were born yet. >> yeah, i was. i used to watch you on letterman back in the early ages. >> and you heard me say certain things. >> absolutely. >> but i want to tell you what has changed. what has changed is the questions really have not changed. the vocabulary has changed. nobody says, she's with child. the say she's pregnant. the speak much more openly about erection and orgasm. >> do you think it's changed for the good? >> absolutely. so that part has changed.
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but what's has changed, the women have heard people like me -- i'm not the only one -- say that a woman has to take the responsibility for her sexual satisfaction, even the best lover, i don't know one of you, even the best lover can't just guess what she needs. >> you can look at andrew for this one. >> so that has changed because there are less women who don't have orgasms. it's late at night. we can talk about this. i can talk about this. so there have been things that have changed. the other thing that we need in this country, we have hit masters and johnson, kinsey. we now need a really serious research study in terms of how to teach sex education. so woe need more data, and it has to be -- we don't have that right now. but we do need it. now, to ask me about the play -- >> i do want to ask you about
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the play. >> i'm running out of time. >> so what about this play? you're not in this play, this is about you. >> i could never do that play. it was the mother on the 70s show plays dr. ruth. >> okay. >> when i came to this country, the said you have to take speech lessons to lose your accent. i made one dollar an hour. i was a single mother who had money or time for speech lessons? she had to take a speech coach to learn my accent. she does it very well. now here's, i have seen it 25 times. i'm sitting in the back. i get tremendous pleasure even of the set part when i came out of nazi germany, i was greatly wounded. things they usually don't talk about when i talk about orgasms and erections. >> i didn't realize you were a sniper. >> oh. you and i -- i have to tell you. i can put five bullets.
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i knew how to throw hand grenades. i never killed anybody but i was badly wounded. she plays that very well. so i'm sitting in the theater, west side theater. it's called near broadway. not off broadway. >> what's the theater? >> west side theater. >> the show is called? >> becoming dr. ruth. and i'm sitting in the back so that she doesn't make eye contact with me. so that she doesn't get confused. and i have to pinch myself. because sometimes i want to talk. and i have to say, well, that's time to shut up. it's not you. >> we have to take a break. >> i have to pinch myself because you are so great. >> we'll be right back. so great to have you here. guys! sor late. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ]
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